Baker Davenport

Born and Raised in Gainesville Ga. I grew up fishing for bream and bass on lake Lanier and smaller local lakes. When I was sixteen I purchased my first fly rod and I have been fishing flies ever since. I love the sport of flv
fishing and love the challenges it brings every day. Each day is a new chapter on the river and
every day the river is different.

This is what keeps me interested!

I have fished in 8 different states and 3 different countries. I love saltwater fly fishing, and chasing redfish and tarpon in the summer has been a great addition to my fly fishing experiences. The river and the north Georgia mountains are home and I will always hang my hat here no matter where I might travel. Trout fishing is a
lifestyle and the places it takes you and the people you meet along the way are all part of the journey. The river is a special place and I’m lucky to be able to work on it.